How to answer {almost} any product case interview question
I am organizing the following event on Dec 17 for aspiring product managers to learn how to master PM interviews! Sign up at
Topic: How to answer {almost} any product case interview question
Dec 17, 2020 (Thu), 6–7pm Pacific Time
Facilitators: Google and LinkedIn PMs
Host: Product Mastermind
Events details
In this event, you will learn the Master Product Framework, the only framework you need to ace almost any product management interview. The facilitators will walk through a comprehensive product case “Design a fitness app for COVID time” and provide personalized feedback to some answers. Attendees of this webinar will earn an early bird offer for Product Mastermind’s Q1 program (10% off plus 30-min free coaching).
About Product Mastermind
Product Mastermind is an 8-week program to help you land a product management job with a peace of mind. You will learn from seasoned PMs from companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple and LinkedIn and have access to 50+ bite-sized videos, 15 highly interactive live sessions and a cohort of 20 like-minded peers. Learn more about the Q1 program: